Tuesday, March 9, 2010

response to class on march 8th

Class yesterday was very interesting, for multiple reasons. Not all of which will be shared here. The improv everywhere exercise was fun but we didn't get the response we wanted. i would say the best we got was the pregnant lady we whose exit we blocked causing her to walk half way around the build to be able to leave. At least she laughed so we wont have to feel bad about making her work too hard. I will post pics from yesterday when i have some extra time! i was fun though to see the look on the face of our fellow class mate who were very confused when everyone froze up. i think matt was the most abused member of our conspiracy, what we can learn from him is to never emulate a human statue while hold item especially a can of soda that is open!

Monday, March 1, 2010

march 1st reflection

blah. the first half was awesome. the last half was like nap time. this dude got frosted like a cake by some random. mmmm! cake!

onions! oh the inhumanity!!!!!

so for my blog i decided to sit down and actually create a logo for my company. the logo isn't the onion, the company is. The name of my company is summer of solace productions. I call it that because last summer i decided that film school was unrealistic for me. during summer 1 i was in 2 classes, a video class and an audio class. during the session i watched Quantum of Solace which inspired me to do some of my best work to date and help me realize that i need to go to film school because that is what i really want. the logo is on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=3573491&id=625918836. i call it summer of solace because the movie inspired all of the work that i did that summer and hardened my resolve to achieve my dream, so why not name a company after it!

Monday, February 15, 2010

circle jerking, or something like it..... and the sims!

what is a circle, what defines it? a circle is some thing round, or anything there the end meets up with the beginning and no sharp turns or corners are involved. how does a circle make you feel? i guess technically   a circle is supposed to make you feel safe... however, after playing the sims all weekend long and enduring the infinitely repeating circle that is everyday life i would say circles cause me to feel stir crazy...(what most of my sims are feeling anyway.) circles make me flip out, they are too predictable. when dealing with a circle you know for sure that the end will meet the beginning sooner or later... I would rather go off the grid! Everyday (from living on circle...) -40 mood! my list of examples is as followed:

non visual circle examples:

circle of life
rotation of the earth
solar system
what comes around goes around
russian band called the circles
blood cells
wireless bands
sound beacons (sound waves)
coming full circle
infinite loop
the process of composting
"circling the drain"
"the force"
an invisible circle

visual examples:

rainbow wheel of death
crop circles
w3c logo
water droplets hitting a surface of water
sheep circle
stone henge
the letter "o"
monument circle
the cable hole on the back of an imac
the record button on a remote

Monday, February 8, 2010

circle jerkers united llc!(feb 8th recounted!)

class was different today, special brownies should have been involved. Maybe a creepy clown doll too! MUAWHAHAHAHAHAH! anyways... circle jerking... sounds like a disgusting family tradition for the guys in your family, cough! hopefully not! anyways, i wonder what everyone will come up with cause i have no idea what im going to do, maybe something with a circle of jerky... or my famous jamacian jerk chicken! anyways, loved the disco ball, still think i should have gone with my gut and started playing daft punk!

crop circles nd stuffs!

so i decided to do a oppisite crop circle that is small enough that you can take it with you! it also happens to be deliciously tasty for a "crop circle"(currently thinks about doing doughnuts in a corn field!). anyways,,,,, BOOM!!!! so, i spent all week trying to think of crop circle in a different way. When i actually looked up some pics of crop circles i was surprised at how detailed they were. so, the only way I could out do the original crop circle concept was to be different! Hence the choclatey political brownies i made that represent the future of the human race if we dont stop using nuclear weapons. will post a pic of the brownies later maybe!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Response to class on Feb. 2nd

Class was what some might call different, although im not sure that describes it. Im not really sure how to describe it so i will just say... Wtf, and Omg.. moving on. I did like the red apple exercise although i dont think it worked for me like it was supposed to. Crop circles. thats all i have.

Friday, January 29, 2010


For this assignment I will just post the ones that anger me as i come across them since I always seem to be about to break a rule of some kind.

Rules that suck:

1. If you need a letter of recommendation for financial aid to go on a trip and you ask the person leading the trip for a letter, as long as they aren't the person who decides who gets money, they should be able to write you a letter if they know you have need of the financial aid. Politics suck!

2. I really dislike the school telling me what i can and cant make movies about. Im not a documentary student. be as it may that im in a documentary program its all i can do to tolerate the fact that im in a documentary program and the school telling me i cant have certain things in my movies only stifles my creativity even more. Im film bound so let it be known to all that i dont play by rule and i will make movies about what ever i decide to and will have guns, violence and profanity. and wait till me capstone! im going to be 50 miles south of that line im "not" supposed to cross! so i say to our very own local fcc, screw censorship! you cant censor something that you cant keep up with!

3. so i was finishing up a project today and i was trying to park in a 20 min loading zone spot outside the herron building. apparently, the herron lot is a pay only lot on the weekends. Fuckin hippies! anyways, i dont need a permit, or should i have to pay to park in a 20 min loading spot that doesn't require a iupui parking pass during school hours. So to those at herron, you cant expect a formal complaint in the very near future. And btw... New Media is an art school! OMG>>> NO HE DIDNT! Media Arts and Sciences Biatch! so to those at herron, i share my controversy with you as i say your hypocrites and have more red tape than any art school should have which diminishes your program. It is the red tape that made me choose New Media which in the long run will be better for me than herron would have ever been! So, schools shouldn't be able to have their own parking fees separate from what i already pay the university.

this is the kind of crap i have to deal with daily, its a wonder i havent snapped already!

Rules that i think should exist:

1. People who make dumb decisions or choices on a regular basis (every 5 minutes) should recive a giibs slap to the head every half hour until they learn to stop doing dumb stuff. (this only applies to people who really know better but still choose to be dumb, not to people who don't know better.)

2. I should be allowed creative freedom within reason. Just because Its a documentary program doesn't mean i cant be highly volatile and explosive on the drop of a hat!

3. beyond denouncing the government we should be able to write what we want at democracy plaza without the university paying someone to monitor us and sensor issues that gives the university bad press because that is all they are worried about, how they look, not about our rights. So with out declaring a jihad or some other anti america protest we should be able to write what ever we want, isn't that why we are fighting over seas, so that we can continue to spew opinions that piss everybody off.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Response to class on the 26th

Class was pretty crazy yesterday. I did enjoy hearing what the others in the class did their egg projects on and the circle arrangement we were in made the whole presentation as well as the introduction process easier and more helpful. I heard that crazy stuff happens in this class and i got a little taste of the crazy doing the egg project, cant wait to see what is next!

Monday, January 25, 2010

A day in the life of a New York egg:

Based on a true story!

The other day I visited with my buddy G. He is an egg living in New York city. We went to see a movie and Gwas telling me about how when he first came to New York he wanted to be a movie star.

 He told me about all the parts he played. After the movie we went to Radio City Hall and to Central Park. G told me that after a while he wasn’t feeling the movie scene as much. He was however getting into music. G and I went to a jam session where he and his producer worked on a song for the album he was about to come out with.

 G was different from when he left, but he was different in a good way, he was achieving success. G was telling me he was performing as a guest at a concert the next night and he invited me to come. The next night We went to the concert, G got me back stage and we had a blast. I have to say G is a great performer. G Preformed his favorite song from his album as a preview for the upcoming release. My trip to New York was awesome, the lights inspire many people I know because being there and seeing G do his thing made me want to do the same, to leave home and go to the big city to make something of myself.